Amusing post about weblogs

Wired 14.07: START

Your Blog Blows, and Here’s Why

1. You aren’t kamikaze enough to risk your career by revealing the soul-crushing absurdity of your job.

2. You aren’t sufficiently vain or presumptuous to declare yourself a hot twentysomething female (even if it’s true).

3. You lack a diagnosed sleep disorder, minor substance abuse problem, mercurial temperament, and/or innate desire to alienate loved ones.

4. You’re not ready to declare on the Internet what you really think about the raging hypocrites nesting in your life.

5. You have yet to explore the wonders of shameless self-promotion, groveling, and media whoring. Profiles in The New York Times don’t always come free.

– Ruth Fowler

Why Open?

As I looked through my tags, it occured to me that many recent library initiatives seem to center around being Open.

It could be argued that weblogs are an exercise in openess, and I’ll start by getting the themes for the week off the ground.

Open Access
Open Content
Open Search
Open Source
Open URL

After this, I’m heading down to New Orleans for ALA and will post more news from the land of the Confederacy of Dunces.


This blog is now open for business (sorry, terrible pun, couldn’t resist).

As a new editor at LJ, I’m interested in making the content more relevant to readers, like, well, me.

As a former systems librarian, I first wanted to organize the content in a way that made sense to me. So you can browse the LJ news and Roy Tennant’s column. Ebsco subscribers can subscribe to a feed of LJ articles, too.